Maria is a 33-year-old single mother of six children whose story has become a powerful testament to the Abundant Life Program. Maria became seriously ill during her pregnancy with her youngest child. As a result, she had to leave her work behind to care for herself and her unborn child. As her situation grew more and more desperate, Maria lost hope in her ability to support her family. Empowering Action came alongside Maria during this time and began supporting her in a number of different ways. Our volunteers and leaders built her family a new home, taught her small business skills, and helped her get an income-generating project off of the ground.
Shortly after, Amanda joined Maria’s team and began using old t-shirts to make coasters, scarves, bracelets and headbands. She, like Maria, has started using her natural ability to teach others how to follow in her footsteps. Cintia joined the team last and has since been able to provide for her eight children better than ever before as a result of the Abundant Life Program and partnership with Maria and Amanda. Cintia’s first product was a coaster that she made out of recycled newspaper.
Today, Maria, Amanda, and Cintia are inspirations to others and vital members of the Empowering Action team. It is stories like these that inspire us in our work every day, and confirm what we are doing to combat spiritual and physical poverty in the DR.