The gospel of John contains the story of Jesus healing the blind man, in which Jesus states,
“We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.” (John 9:4)
In keeping with that calling and urgency, Scottish 18th century minister William Arnot said,
“The very fact of a Christian being here, and not in heaven, is a proof that some work awaits him.”
However, the good works, which God prepared in advance for each Christian to do (Eph. 2:10), are as unique as we are individuals, often varying with the seasons of life.
Enter Ken and Mary Anne O’Malley, who arrived yesterday in Santo Domingo to serve as full-time missionaries with our team, with Ken focusing on construction initiatives, utilizing his 35-years of project management experience with Exxon Mobil, and Mary Anne, leveraging 8-years of teaching experience, to serve the special needs community within our ministry network.
Please keep both of them in prayer in the days to come, as they transition to a new culture and ministry setting and follow, in obedience, the Lord’s leading.
The late missionary Amy Carmichael wisely noted, in distinguishing between the Israelites’ Red Sea and Jordan River crossings,
“You and I may be called again and again to walk right into our own ‘rivers,’ whatever they may be-to wet our feet in them. We may be called to do what nobody understands except those to whom the word of guidance is given-and with it, His promise too.
But understand this: The word must come first, and also His promise. You and I must be sure of what we are called to do, with an inward conviction that absolutely nothing can shake.
In my own case, again and again, I have had to wet my feet in the water. Only God and those who have to walk in that path know how hard this kind of faith-life can be. But He does know. And when the people around us don’t hear the words and the voice we have heard, and only say, ‘It thunders…’ then He comes near, and we know Him as we never knew Him before….
If only the next step is clear, then the one thing to do is take it!”
Welcome, Ken and Mary Anne! We are grateful to the Lord for including EA in this next step in your walk with the Lord, and are anxious to see what He does both within you and through you, as a result of your obedience to His call.
Ken O’Malley – komalley@empoweringaction.org
Mary Anne O’Malley – momalley@empoweringaction.org