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Puerto Rico Training Launch
In Psalm 27:14, David implores us to: “Wait on the LORD;Be of good courage,And He shall strengthen your heart;Wait, I say, on the LORD!” The 17th-century theologian John Trapp remarked
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How to pray for Haiti
Please join us in praying for the nation of Haiti, as the depths of human depravity are tragically on full display. In many ways, we see the embodiment of the
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Puerto Rico launch
Theologian J.P. Moreland said,  “Saint Paul tells us that the church — not the university, the media, or the public schools — is the pillar and support of the truth
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Thank you for a great 2023!
If you are like me, regardless of how much you enjoy Christmas, there comes a point where a house full of decorations gets old. However, one thing that never gets
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Final Hours of 2023 and Our Year-End Matching Campaign!
As we look forward to zealously pursuing the Lord in 2024, let us encourage and equip ourselves by gleaning four critical concepts from Philippians 4: But I rejoiced in the
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Final Days of Year-End $100,000 Matching Campaign
As we head into the final days of 2023 and EA’s 11th year of ministry, I was reflecting this morning on Paul’s words to the church in Philippi regarding God’s
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The Dawn of Grace in Christmas
In the Apostle Paul’s letter to Titus, we find the following encouragement regarding the practical implications of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Like the most spectacular Christmas sunrise, Christ’s first
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New Year-End Donation Match!
Years ago at the outset of Empowering Action I read the following quote by the late theologian Warren Wiersbe that I have returned to again and again throughout the subsequent
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Savings Groups 2023 Recap
It may surprise you that Jesus said more about money than anyone else in the Bible and more about money than any other subject. Why? Jesus recognized that an individual’s
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