As we observe the following pictures, we get a sense of the damage and suffering caused by Hurricane Fiona for more than 8,000 families living on the east coastline of the Dominican Republic.

As in many other occasions, situations like this offer an opportunity for individuals to consider their lives and what is their personal relationship with their Creator and the Person of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as they face the fragility of their earthy existence.

We thank the Lord that in the mist of these recent events we have seen the generosity of the people of the Dominican Republic in helping out as well we observed the rapid emergency response from our government authorities. This has been essential in preserving human life and material possessions and securing and restoring vital infrastructure.

We praise our Lord for the rapid response and care from our brethren from various local church bodies looking to serve and love their neighbors.

Our pastor network has reported that more that 2,000 homes in their area have been severely damaged, and the families have lost all their basic possessions. Also, reports show that all agriculture in the batey communities and plantain farms have been lost. We, as the EA family, are looking to coordinate with these churches to provide support to cover basic needs such as: roof repairs, temporary food provision, and health and hygiene necessities for the coming 3 months as families recover and go through the rehabilitation phase after a natural disaster such as this. Of course, we continue to offer our four foundational programs whose content serves in the immediate response and prepares Christ’s Church for such challenges in the future.

We cherish and request your continued prayer and financial support, which has enabled us to serve and glorify Christ in such a time as this (Esther 4:14).

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