Recently I was asked to clearly and concisely in 3-5 minutes share the motivation and methodology of Empowering Action to leaders of other Christian nonprofit economic development organizations. The request was quite last minute so I quickly assembled the bullet points below, which I pass along to you for your encouragement and edification:
Empowering Action exists to combat physical and spiritual poverty in partnership with the local church
We want to serve the local church. We want to build capacity within the local church to both declare and demonstrate the gospel.
“It is simply impossible to alleviate poverty – in its fullest sense – apart from the local church.” – Church in Hard Places, 9Marks.org
We do so by facilitating growth of pastors and lay leaders in three areas:
1. Personal Character (Be)
2. Theological Competency (Know)
3. Ministry Capacity (Do)
We find MOTIVATION for our mission in the passages such as these below:
“Keep watch over yourselves [personal character/theological competency] and the entire flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God [ministry capacity], which He purchased with His own blood.” (Acts 20:28)
“And David shepherded them with integrity of heart (character); with skillful hands (competency/capacity) he led them.” (Psalm 78:72)
Our METHODOLOGY to accomplish our mission focuses on 4 Core Competencies (In-house initiatives):
1. Acts 242 – A Systematic Leadership Discipleship Process for members of our church network
2. Abundant Life – Church-based 16-week Poverty Alleviation Program
3. Genesis – Church-based Family Life Initiative, training churches to equip parents to raise a generation that both knows the Lord and the things he has done (Judges 2:10)
4. Church-based Savings and Credit Associations (Implementation 2018) – While Abundant Life addresses finances at an individual/family level (the theology of work, household budgeting, small business practices and personal savings), Savings Groups will facilitate ministry at a corporate church (and community) level
Strength of our Approach:
Theology is global. Theology dictates our methodology, so while contextualization of practices is necessary, biblical principles are universal applicable.
Threats to be Avoided:
Without prioritizing ministry regarding character and theological competency, we can actually inadvertently affirm negative behavior and bad theology, by helping a ministry to grow numerically. (Prosperity gospel)