God himself ordained marriage and the family as the basic building block of human civilization.
He established it at creation, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).
Jesus Christ affirmed the sanctity and permanence of marriage as an institution, quoting the above verse in Matthew 19:5.
Scripture tells us that we ignore God’s law at our own peril. (Psalm 119:24)
And yet, here in the Washington D.C. area that is exactly what is transpiring at a breakneck pace, with legislative bodies seeking to undermine parental rights and the very nature of sexuality and definition of marriage, and organizations committed to destructive indoctrination through public school curriculum. A fool’s errand guaranteed to produce an ill-equipped generation, characterized by division, confusion and frustration, given the abandonment and contempt of God’s law upon which it is based.
Yet amidst this discouraging backdrop in the United States, I wanted to encourage you with the video below, demonstrating that God is still on His throne and building His Church, by highlighting the work of the Genesis program.
The quote below highlights why we are so passionate and enthusiastic about the biblical foundation and generational impact of the Genesis program,
“As society continues its mad quest to eliminate the family, and as our whole culture therefore unravels more and more, it becomes more important than ever for Christians to understand what the Bible teaches about the family, and to put it into practice in our homes. It may well be that the example we set before the world through strong homes and healthy families will in the long run be one of the most powerful, attractive, and living proofs that when the Bible speaks, it speaks with the authority of the God who created us—and whose design for the family is perfect. “ – John MacArthur