As believers, we recognize that God’s ownership is all-inclusive. And yet, amazingly, His preeminence is elevated by His delegation.
Psalm 8 clarifies:
- The superiority of God’s position (whose name is majestic above all the earth. Ps. 8:1, 9)
- and the subservience of man’s purpose (graciously given dominion over the work of His hands. Ps. 8:6)
Pastor Steve Lawson explains how the supremacy of God is only heightened by the stewardship of man in “putting all things under his feet,” (Ps. 8:6)
“The greatness of God is seen in the fact that he has entrusted so much, his creation, to man. Only the supreme God could elevate those so low to a position so high—dominion over creation.”
At the heart of our Savings Groups program is teaching the all-encompassing life principle of biblical stewardship. The apostle Paul wrote, “it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2). As we offer the program in both Spanish and Creole, the objective is not merely to teach the particular practice of financial management, but the overarching principle of biblical stewardship.
Please keep Pastor Widmy and his team in your thoughts as they work to…
“Facilitate a church-based initiative addressing personal financial management, in which participants study scripture, pray, and fellowship together, experiencing social and spiritual restoration.”