Empowering Action exists to equip the global church for greater biblical fidelity and ministry effectiveness. A logical question then is, “What is the measure of a church?” Is it love, community engagement, cultural relevance, or unity? Sadly, there are many who, this very day, will be enticed to unbiblical cults for those very reasons.

No, it is a church’s doctrine that determines its faithfulness for, as Dr. Steve Lawson notes, “in the Christian life, precept comes before practice and doctrine before duty.”

A lifetime ago in college a last minute schedule change necessitated my enrolling in a Sacred Architecture course. Truthfully, I don’t recall much from the experience other than some basics (and my liberal professor’s displeasure for my project on the Old Testament tabernacle.) However, I did glean that pillars support the roof and walls of a structure, and a buttress supports a pillar, enabling it to stand stronger and higher.

I mention this because Paul makes clear in the passage below that the mission of the Church is to support and uphold the truth of God revealed in Scripture,

I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. (1 Timothy 3:14-15)

Writing to an Ephesian church that, after his departure, had begun to implode as a result of abandoning sound doctrine and embracing false teaching, Paul wisely uses an architectural image to inhabitants of a city that contained the pagan Temple of Diana, an architectural wonder of bulwarking foundations supporting a massive roof with 127 pillars.

Whereas Diana’s temple, and its foundation and pillars, were a testimony to the error and deception of Rome’s false religion, Christ’s Church throughout the ages is called to be the living support of the inerrant, all-sufficient, authoritative revelation of Scripture.

We at Empowering Action labor to that end, and greatly appreciate your ongoing prayer and financial support of our efforts in “holding fast the word of life.” (Phil. 2:16)

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