For the past two weeks, we have had the privilege of hosting our ministry partners from Cuba. The pandemic and unrest in their home country delayed the trip for almost two years. During this time, we have reflected on and resonated with Paul’s letter to the church in Rome, “asking that somehow by God’s will I may now at last succeed in coming to you” (Rom. 1:10).
It has been a joyful, profitable reunion of encouraging and equipping these faithful men for “the building up of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12). Our prayer is that the Lord graciously use this time to create generational transformation within and through the Cuban church. As Paul entreated Timothy to take the divine revelation that he had received and teach it to other faithful men with proven spiritual character and giftedness, who would, in turn, pass on those truths to a new generation, our prayer is that this process of spiritual reproduction, which began in the early church, would take place in Cuba in the years to come.
Below is a personal message from Church Network Development director Raydel Riquelme of gratitude for your support.
Many thanks for your partnership in ministry!