I was reading this past week through the book of Colossians where Paul described the Preeminence of Christ (Col 1:15-23), in response to a heresy threatening the church by denying the deity of Christ.

In the forefront of my mind were two things: the seemingly increasingly chaotic world around us, and the impending, emotional departure of our oldest child Audrey for college.

In studying the passage I ran across this quote from 19th century theologian Octavius Winslow, which I found extremely encouraging:

Living in a world of imperfection and change, we must expect nothing perfect, nothing stable, in what we are, in what we do, or in what we enjoy. But amid the dissolving views of the world that “passes away,” let us take firm hold of the unchangeableness of God. The wheels may revolve, but the axle on which they turn is immoveable. Such is our covenant God. Events may vary, providences may change, friends may die, feelings may fluctuate, but God in Christ will know “no variableness, neither the shadow of a turning.”

So amid the chaos and instability of our lives, look to Christ who is “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, before all things, and in whom all things hold together” and who will “reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross.”

We covet your continued prayers for our EA ministry family, as well as the Husted family during this time of transition and growth.

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