This week I had the opportunity to reach out to church members in my community to encourage them to participate in two new bible studies. Below is the content of the email, which should be motivating to all believers, regarding the importance of faithful study of the Word of God:
D.L. Moody stated in his book How to Study the Bible,
“I believe the reason there are so many Christians who do not show much evidence of walking with God, with whom you only see the Christian graces coming out every now and then, is that they do not take the Bible for doctrine, reproof, and instruction.”
I’m excited to inform you of two new opportunities within our community to help us “Grow in our walk with God by studying the Word of God.”
Moody went on to write,
“In Psalm 119, David prayed nine times that God would quicken or strengthen him according to His Word. For example:
– ‘Quicken me according to thy word.’ (Psalm 119:25)
– ‘Strengthen me according to thy word.’ (Psalm 119:28)
– ‘Cause me to live, O LORD, according to thy word.’ (Psalm 119:107)
– ‘Uphold me according unto thy word.’ (Psalm 119:116)
If I could say something that would motivate Christians to have a deeper love for the Word of God, I think I would be doing them the most important service that could be done for them.”
So please prayerfully consider joining us for one of these studies, as,
“God speaks through His Word. The Word of God does the work of God through the Spirit of God in the people of God.” – Alistair Begg