The Apostle Paul writes,
“Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.”
(Colossians 3:2)
Of this verse Puritan Thomas Watson commented,
“…Our affections should be very narrow downwards to the earth, but wide and large upwards towards heavenly things. Thus we see that death is a privilege to believers; death is yours, the heir, while he is underage, is capable of the land he is born to, but he has not the use of the benefit of it, till he comes of age. Be as old as you will, you are never of age until you die. Death brings us of age and then the possession comes into our hands.”
It is strange to consider:
- Martin Lloyd-Jones dying at 82;
- Hudson Taylor passing away at 73;
- and Gladys Aylward going to be with the Lord at 68,
as all “not being of age.”
And yet, as believers, who lived heavenly-minded lives on earth, death was a privilege, whereby they took possession of their heavenly inheritance as a child of God, saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus’ atoning death and resurrection.