Empowering Action exists to equip the global church for greater biblical fidelity and ministry effectiveness. A logical question then is, “What is the measure of a church?” Is it love, community engagement, cultural relevance, or unity? Sadly, there are many who, this very day, will be enticed to unbiblical cults for those very reasons.
No, it is a church’s doctrine that determines its faithfulness for, as Dr. Steve Lawson notes, “in the Christian life, precept comes before practice and doctrine before duty.”
A lifetime ago in college a last minute schedule change necessitated my enrolling in a Sacred Architecture course. Truthfully, I don’t recall much from the experience other than some basics (and my liberal professor’s displeasure for my project on the Old Testament tabernacle.) However, I did glean that pillars support the roof and walls of a structure, and a buttress supports a pillar, enabling it to stand stronger and higher.
I mention this because Paul makes clear in the passage below that the mission of the Church is to support and uphold the truth of God revealed in Scripture,
I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. (1 Timothy 3:14-15)
Writing to an Ephesian church that, after his departure, had begun to implode as a result of abandoning sound doctrine and embracing false teaching, Paul wisely uses an architectural image to inhabitants of a city that contained the pagan Temple of Diana, an architectural wonder of bulwarking foundations supporting a massive roof with 127 pillars.