In his outstanding book Mission Drift, Peter Greer writes,
“The excellent leader is the steward-in-chief of the organization’s story…Leadership comes down to protecting the story, bringing others into the story, and keeping the organization accountable to the story. The leader tells the story, over and over again, refining it, updating it and driving it home.”
This week, as I found myself attempting to “invite” others to “join the story of EA,” by sponsoring an upcoming pastor’s conference, I wrote the following,
“I thought that perhaps the church and/or the October trip participants might be interested in contributing to this upcoming training opportunity in September. This preaching conference in Santo Domingo will be attended by a select core of our volunteer pastors, who will be facilitating the network development efforts, led by Raydel Riquelme, our new Church Network Development Director from Cuba. The goal is that they would serve as a catalyst in reproducing church leaders bathed in Scripture, serving out of an abundance of their own personal walk with the Lord.”
“Serving out of an abundance of their own personal walk with the Lord.” Or, as I’ve entitled this blog, “Operating off the Overflow” something that Scripture is clear we must do daily in every facet of our lives, if we wish to honor the Lord.
This morning’s devotional from Andrew Murray on Paul’s words to the Corinthian church sums it up well,
Christ’s love controls us. (2 Corinthians 5:14)
“Think about this: God longs to have our hearts filled with His love so that He can use us as channels for this love to flow out to others. Let us be satisfied with nothing less and sacrifice everything to secure a place for this love in the hearts of men and women.
Heavenly Father,
Fill my heart with Your love. May Your love overflow from my heart to the hearts of others. I pray that my words and actions shine with your love so that others may experience You through me.