In August 2016 Empowering Action partnered with Bay Shore Community Church and Homes of Hope (HOH) for installation of an initial shipping container conversion home. Below guest blogger, Patrick Staggs, President of HOH, shares his reflections on his recent trip, which was the culmination of a year, in which Patrick and friend Lance Manlove had been inspired to attempt something great for the Lord, and followed through in founding HOH. In doing so, they rejected what John Piper below identifies as the call to casual, comfortable, cultural Christianity, and instead are experiencing the thrill of Christ-honoring, Kingdom-building entrepreneurship.

“We can rest content in casual, convenient, cozy, comfortable Christian lives as we cling to the safety and security this world offers. We can coast through a cultural landscape marked by materialism, characterized by consumerism, and engulfed in individualism. We can assent to the spirit of this age and choose to spend our lives seeking worldly pleasures, acquiring worldly possessions, and pursuing worldly ambitions—all under the banner of cultural Christianity. Or we can decide that Jesus is worth more than this. We can recognize that he has created us, saved us, and called us for a much greater purpose than anything this world could ever offer us.” – John Piper, Risk is Right

Our recent week in the Dominican Republic was definitely a physical and emotional workout, while simultaneously serving as a spiritual battery charger.  We created a plan for the container, and I expected the unexpected, as far as technical conversion, and knew we would get through the issues, and we did.

However, I did not expect the enormous amount of community support for the recipient’s family and the project itself. In fact, I had feared that there might be some resentment toward the family. However, after seeing the genuine love and support from all their friends, family and neighbors, I could see immediately the joy that people had for them.

The trip also made me so thankful to God for bringing friends into my life that have influence over me.  This is something that has and will continue to offer tremendous impact on my growth, as I continue my walk with Christ. I believe we need people in our lives that we can relate to and lean on, in order to grow together to be the Christ followers that God calls us to be. I am thankful that this trip helped strengthened existing relationships, as well as begin new ones.

The other realization for me was how critical the role of EA is in planning, executing and sustaining ventures such as Homes of Hope, as well as mission trips like Ship Hope. The benefit that is easiest to identify is the logistical support.  Accommodations, meals, cultural advice, transportation etc. all done so well and stress-free. Then, by using the local church network to identify the target family, and the Abundant Life Program, to ensure the Christ-centered growth is sustained, the project can have a successful, chain-breaking impact in eliminating poverty for future generations. The work being done through the EA organization is beyond incredible, and I am thankful to have been able to experience its reach firsthand, and am looking forward to the next opportunity for us to partner on God’s work again soon.

Patrick Staggs
President, Homes of Hope
Member, Bay Shore Community Church, Rehoboth Campus

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