In the past week America has been shocked and saddened by the unexpected suicide of two high profile, immensely successful celebrities with a combined net worth approaching $200 Million Dollars, leaving behind young children.
At times such as this, our hearts are broken and ache for their loved ones, and yet we are reminded of the danger and emptiness of pursuing satisfaction apart from Christ.
As H.A. Ironside stated,
“The sluggard and the shiftless are not commended by the word of God, but rigorously condemned, and exhorted to thrift and energy. But to run to the other extreme, and to set the heart upon business and the accumulation of wealth, is equally fatal to spirituality.”
And D.L. Moody reminds us of the theology at work, stating,
“Man, like the sea, has no rest. He has had no rest since Adam fell. And there will be none for him until he returns to God again, and the light of Christ shines into his heart. Rest cannot be found in the world, and thank God, the world can’t take it from the believing heart. Sin is the cause of all the unrest. It brought toil, labor, and misery into the world.”
“You make known to me the path of life;
In your presence there is fullness of joy;
At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
(Psalm 16:11)