On my recent flight back from Africa I found myself searching desperately for ways to pass the time during the two 8-hour plus flights. At one point, having slept, read and eaten, I began watching the movie Dunkirk on the inflight entertainment system. One scene has a group of soldiers, hiding in a beached boat, awaiting the tide to come and raise the vessel, in order that they might sail to safety.
This morning I was struck by this daily reading below from Day by Day with the English Puritans:
“The divine assistance which the Christian has in their work alleviates the labor of it. Consider the Christian’s work without this help. It is heavy indeed, yes, too heavy to stand under. But God’s helping hand put to it makes this heavy work light. The ship, which when lying on ground, all the teams in the country could not draw off, how easily is set afloat when the tide comes in? Thus the heart can rise out of its dullness and disposition to duty. Oh how soon it is elevated and inspired when God flows in with his secret aspiration and excitations of His blessed Spirit and grace! He who confessed that he could do nothing of himself, not so much a think a good thought, tells us that he is able to do all things through Christ who strengthens him.”
It was a great reminder of the tide-lifting, obstacle-overcoming and obedience-inspiring Lord whom we serve daily in various God-appointed capacities.