Just a quick update on Carlos and Raydel’s trip last week to Guatemala.
The apostle Paul asked the Colossian church to pray that God would open the door to them for the ministry of the Word (Col. 4:3).
Paul used the same image of “open doors for effective work” elsewhere when writing to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 16:9; 2 Cor. 2:12).
Similarly, I’m happy to inform you that the Lord used the recent visit with our friends at Precept Ministries to open doors for ongoing partnership in Guatemala, as well as similar future exploratory trips to Mexico and Nicaragua, to share the multiplication strategy that the Lord has graciously been using in our church network development ministry, K2:42. 
We appreciate your prayers in that regard and will keep you updated.
As a closing thought: It is striking that Paul, imprisoned under Roman authority as he wrote those words above, was more concerned about “getting out” the message of Christ than about “getting out” of prison!
Thanks again for your ongoing support that enables our ministry of the Word!
PS: For further encouragement amid the current cultural chaos and quest to eliminate the family, check out our recent blog on the Genesis Family Ministry, equipping church leaders on what Scripture teaches about the family and how to put those principles into practice.

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