The late theologian John Broadus described opportunity in the following manner,

“Opportunity is like a fleet horse that pauses for a moment at one’s side. If you fail to mount him in that moment, you can hear the clatter of his hoofs down the corridors of time. That opportunity is gone forever.”

This pandemic has, unquestionably, taken much, but it has also provided a unique opportunity for believers to “redeem the time” (Eph. 5:15-16), in order that we might be rooted and strengthened in our faith (Col. 2:6-7).

With that in mind, I offer the following three recommendations to “mount the horse opportunity” in this moment, in order that, in the future, we can look back down the corridor time, and be able to say that we redeemed this occasion, to “grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18)

Bible Reading Plan – This link contains plans as short as two weeks, and a variety of ways to immerse yourself in Scripture. Here is a free audible bible resource, and this is a great short commentary to accompany your reading.

Scripture Memorization – Download the Topical Memory System app and, before you know it, you will have hidden 60 verses of God’s Word in your heart.

Theological Training – take advantage of Ligonier Connect, now offering free video courses for individual or group study on topics related to the Bible, theology, Christian living, church history, and more. (Right now our family is working through The Basics of the Christian Life with Dr. Sinclair Ferguson)

Praying for this historical event, yet confident in God’s sovereignty and committed to His glory.

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